Got Feelings?
Develop your Emotional Superpowers with us.

Every day brings its own set of challenges, from work stress and relationship issues to financial worries and health concerns. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure how to handle it all.

Our TalkPlayground Peer Groups are essentially “guided venting sessions” where group members not only find immediate relief by processing feelings, but also access our AI-powered language learning app for emotions and needs. Get the feedback you need to gain emotional superpowers — the awareness, validation, clarity, resilience, and courage to face life's ups and downs.

Join hundreds of community members who have discovered the power of expressing and understanding their emotions on a deeper level, and become empowered to handle anything that comes your way with confidence and composure.

TalkPlayground is a peer-based mental wellness community designed to complement and enhance traditional therapy. It is not a substitute for professional therapy or medical advice. If you're in crisis or need immediate help, please seek emergency services in your area.

The Unmatched Power Of Peer Groups

If you've never been in a structured peer group before, you're missing out on something essential. A peer group provides not only support, but change and transformation. When we push for change by ourselves, alone, we're setting ourselves up for endless cycles of trial and error. It's exhausting, it's lonely, and frankly, it's unnecessary. Without guidance, we're more prone to getting lost, and facing overwhelming emotions, without any viable strategy.

At TalkPlayground, with our peer groups, you’re not just getting video call conversations; your getting role models, guidance and mentorship, deep, self-reflective relationships, honest feedback, a supporting and accepting environment, and peer accountability.

Each group has a rigorously trained conversation facilitator. Our facilitators have a depth of life experience and knowledge. And they will confidently model the behavior we all want to see more of in the world: speaking consciously, using a rich vocabulary of emotion words, and guiding both light-hearted and thoughtful conversations. They often know what you’re going through because they’ve been there themselves.

In the groups, you will experience honesty, vulnerability, active listening, emotional healing, and play. Overtime you will build deep and unique relationships with the group, relationships that will help you navigate your path with fewer missteps. In group, we become more than the sum of our parts.

Here are some other benefits: Honest Feedback - receive constructive criticism to identify and overcome personal barriers. Supportive Environment - be in a space where you can be your true self and feel accepted. Accountability - sharing goals with our peers motivates us and drives personal growth. You’ll also learn to speak the universal language of emotions, understand and express your needs, learn to manage difficult situations and feelings, and begin the start of healthier relationships.

The real result of your effort will show in your life as confidence, self-understanding, and self-acceptance. That's what we offer at TalkPlayground, and that's the transformative power of our groups.

Essential, direct, and transformational support can start today—don’t wait to unlock your full potential.

TalkPlayground is a peer-based mental wellness community designed to complement and enhance traditional therapy. It is not a substitute for professional therapy or medical advice. If you're in crisis or need immediate help, please seek emergency services in your area.

Communicating With Confidence

We all share a universal desire to communicate effectively. But you might not be using your voice and words in the most effective way. Many of us struggle with often invisible challenges, challenges that can drastically limit the power of our voice and inhibit the effectiveness of our words. Daily struggles, such as anxiety, stress, and doubt, can sometimes cloud our ability to think clearly or express ourselves authentically and confidently. Emotional obstacles, like the fear of rejection, judgment, or being misunderstood, further limit our chances of being heard and having our perspective valued.

A limited emotional vocabulary can also hold us back, making us feel stifled when we talk to others. If we don’t know which words are missing in our emotional intelligence, it’s tough to improve. When we struggle to express our feelings, we unintentionally keep them bottled up, which hurts us down the road and makes processing and communicating our feelings even harder.

At TalkPlayground, we recognize these obstacles, and offer solutions to overcome them. Confidence in communication starts with inner work. Building honest and deep self-awareness and emotional understanding takes time, and there are many ways we can help make it faster. Our approach is similar to learning any new language, through social immersion while expanding our awareness and our vocabulary.

TalkPlayground is both the place to practice and the place to hone your skills, where language learning meets real-world conversation. Our group video calls are powered by our intelligent software platform. Opt-in to access your personalized tools for inner work, enabling you to find clarity of your hidden emotional aspects.

Our technology, including our personal emotion wheel and personalized chatbot, will guide and support you through this growth. Our chatbot can help uncover your limiting beliefs, providing a clearer pathway to effective communication. And our personal emotion wheel looks out for over 400 emotion words, visualizing your emotional range and emotional gaps, helping you to unlock a more expansive view of your inner world.

We know your voice and words matter. By joining with TalkPlayground, you embark on a transformative journey to prove it. A journey where you’ll find your unique way of self-expression, gaining the confidence to communicate more openly and effectively. Join today to discover your openness, your clarity, and your confident, authentic self.

TalkPlayground is a peer-based mental wellness community designed to complement and enhance traditional therapy. It is not a substitute for professional therapy or medical advice. If you're in crisis or need immediate help, please seek emergency services in your area.

What Community Members Say

"Community is necessary for true growth. Personally I believe I wouldn’t have made a dent in my personal growth without TP. It has given me role models, honest feedback, and male companionship in ways that the “real world” is severely lacking in (especially for men, and especially for young men)"

"TP is a safe and non-judgemental space where I can share my current worries, concerns and progresses I am making in my life without the fear of being judged or looked down at. It is a valuable online space where one can develop skills and learn from others. Some of the skills I have picked up from being part of TP are better listening skills, the confidence to speak up and take up space."

"Technology was actually pushing me towards more isolation! TP is flipping the narrative; it fundamentally asks: how do we use technology as a way to bring people closer in more honest and vulnerable ways, rather than divide and isolate them?"

"I was in a difficult spot the other night describing negative emotions with my girlfriend and I found myself accurately explaining them without all the frustration I normally experienced. It avoided a conflict between us and made both of us feel better and I couldn’t have done that without the time and practice from TalkPlayground."

I see TP as a deeply useful and valuable tool for developing adults looking for guidance and emotional understanding, but also as a tool for building better emotional expression tools. Its taught me both how to be a better listener and how to share my own experience better."

TalkPlayground is a peer-based mental wellness community designed to complement and enhance traditional therapy. It is not a substitute for professional therapy or medical advice. If you're in crisis or need immediate help, please seek emergency services in your area.

What Community Members Say

“TalkPlayground is more than just a support group; it’s a family of understanding individuals, all navigating through life’s challenges together. The facilitators are incredibly supportive, making every session enlightening and comforting.”

“The group discussions at TalkPlayground have provided me with invaluable insights and perspectives. Under the gentle guidance of trained facilitators, I’ve learned to navigate my emotions and build lasting, meaningful relationships with fellow members.”

TalkPlayground is a peer-based mental wellness community designed to complement and enhance traditional therapy. It is not a substitute for professional therapy or medical advice. If you're in crisis or need immediate help, please seek emergency services in your area.

What Community Members Say

"With TalkPlayground, I jump in whenever I feel like it. Some weeks more, some less. It's transformed the way I see support."

"I was hesitant about joining at first. I thought the whole process would feel heavy. TalkPlayground is not like that, it feels different. It feels casual, and easy-going, and there's zero judgment because everyone is like me. It's like being part of a club where everyone's rooting for you."

"The technology has been transformative. Analyzing my words and the things I've said, seeing my emotion wheel—it's empowering. And with the group's support, I feel more connected and less alone."

TalkPlayground is a peer-based mental wellness community designed to complement and enhance traditional therapy. It is not a substitute for professional therapy or medical advice. If you're in crisis or need immediate help, please seek emergency services in your area.